Day 9

 Today I arrived to Slocumb around 8:30 am to finish filling in some of the blank spaces on the DU collage with smaller images of stars and lightning bolts. Once all of the spaces were filled I added the first layer of mod podge and let it sit for a few hours to dry. I then left around 11:00 am and went to senior seminar and lunch. After I went back to Slocumb and added a second coat of mod podge to the DU collage to finish it up and then started cutting up images for the UVM collage until 2:30 when I headed back to my dorm. Tonight I am continuing work on cutting images for the UVM collage to put me in a good place for tomorrow.

Hours: 6 hours

8:30 am - 11:00 am

1:00 pm - 2:30 pm

9:30 pm - 11:30 pm


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