Weekly reflection 5/17 - 5/22

 This past week I was about to complete over 32 hours of work and 3 different collages. Most days were more or less the same with making my college by cutting, gluing or printing. I feel like I have been very responsible with my time this past week by taking advantage of all my available time. I have enjoyed being in Slocumb during this time because it is such a laid back atmosphere yet everyone around you is working hard and keeping their focus it makes you do the same thing. My mentor, Corby, has let me have free rain on what I do with my time in Slocumb. He lets me decide when I can come in, what my goals are and how I plan out my collages. 

Once I ran out of pre-made collages, I thought that I was going to have to make more which would have taken me a full day. So Corby and I decided that it would be better for me to order more canvases from Amazon. The next day Corby told me that he found some pre-made canvases in the supply closet that I am able to use. This made the process of creating more canvases easier because I was able to move on to the Fairfield University collage and start the Connecticut College collage which I will be complete Monday. 

Over the past week I have completed three different collages, each being sold for $25. Starting Monday I will be completing the Conn College collage and moving on to the UVM collage. This will bring me to the end of senior project but I still have about five more collages to finish, which I have agreed to complete over the summer and ship them out. I have even gotten a request from someone who saw on of my collage on Instagram and asked if I could make them on and they will pay more than asking price and even for shipping! This had made me realize that I may be able to do more with my senior project and sell to other people outside of Proctor!


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